Our Fee Philosophy
The Riverside Personnel Philosophy on Sales Reps, Giveaways, and Discounts
The Riverside Personnel Philosophy on Sales Reps, Giveaways, and Discounts
Since 1978, Riverside Personnel (RPS) has been finding great Inland Empire jobs for talented office and accounting personnel. We’ve grown right alongside our client companies, and like them, we’ve developed a philosophy of how we can provide the best service to our clients. Our strongest doctrine is that we are customer service driven, which helps explain our stand on some modern marketing techniques.
Like many young businesses, at one time we were convinced that a sales staff was the key to expanding our market. So, for one very educational year, we employed a sales rep that visited potential client firms. Certainly there was an effect – though it wasn’t quite what we intended! We found that a sales approach just didn’t fit in with our consulting perspective on staffing. Our professional staff consult with our clients, we don’t sell to them. Our staffing consultants work hard to establish and carry the client relationship from start to finish. It’s critical to understand our client companies’ needs, including desired applicant skills, personality traits, and demeanor. It didn’t work to have a sales rep making promises that were impossible for the consultants to deliver. Similarly, our consultants get to know our applicants, assessing their talents, motivation, and work style – again from start to finish. Through our consultative approach, we are able to make employment matches that work over the long term.
We enjoy promotional giveaways as much as anyone, and we have a full supply of the standards: RPS Post-It notes, pencils, calendars, our infamous “I ♥ My Job” buttons, and the occasional coffee mug. The average cost of an RPS giveaway is 77 cents so we’re certainly not trying to buy your business. Long ago, we decided we’d prefer to support community causes rather than wine and dine and give away expensive gifts to potential clients.
You simply won’t get a discount unless you’re a non-profit organization. Unlike many of our competitors, we do not use our fee as a marketing tool. We know the markup we need to hire the best possible staffing consultants, to find you the best employees (full-time or temp), and to be good corporate citizens. We don’t negotiate our fees or compromise our exceptional service. Our goal is to help you lower your turnover rate and to improve the quality of the employees you hire through RPS, which is worth far more than any discount.
When you are lamenting the quoted RPS fee, you can console yourself that you are paying the same rate as that renowned negotiator across the street. As with all high quality purchases, the initial price for RPS excellence may seem high, but your long-term savings and profit will more than justify the expense.
We do things differently at RPS, and it’s that difference, we think, that accounts for the fact that the vast majority of our business comes from referrals and repeat clients. We take very seriously the influence that we can have on the quality and chemistry of your office staff, and consequently on the profitability of your business. For more information about how RPS can save your business from the risks and expense of an unsatisfactory hire, call us at (951) 788-7900.
If you have any questions about referrals, don’t hesitate to call us at (951) 788-7900.